Forehead Lift

Forehead LiftForehead Lift

The forehead lift procedure entails the removal or alteration of muscles and tissues that cause furrowing or drooping of the forehead to smooth the forehead, raise the eyebrows and minimize frown lines. The length of the removal varies for each patient’s circumstances. Local or general anesthesia is used depending on individual circumstances, and the procedure is usually outpatient.


Complications are rare and usually minor when a forehead lift is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. Yet, the possibility of complications must be considered. 

In rare cases, the nerves that control eyebrow movement may be injured on one or both sides, resulting in a loss of ability to raise the eyebrows or wrinkle the forehead. Additional surgery may be required to correct the problem.

Formation of a broad scar is also a rare complication. This may be treated surgically by removing the wide scar tissue so a new, thinner scar may result. Also, in some patients, hair loss may occur along the scar edges.
Loss of sensation along or just beyond the incision line is common, especially with the classic forehead lift procedure. It is usually temporary, but may be permanent in some patients.

Infection and bleeding are very rare, but are possibilities.  If a complication should occur during an endoscopic forehead lift, your surgeon may have to abandon the endoscopic approach and switch to the conventional, open procedure, which will result in a more extensive scar and a longer recovery period. To date, such complications are rare – estimated at less than 1 percent of all endoscopy procedures.  You can reduce your risk of complications by closely following your surgeon’s instructions both before and after surgery.

Recovery and Results

Following your procedure, you can return to work in 7 to 10 days and strenuous activities 2 to 3 weeks. Although a forehead lift does not stop the clock, it can minimize the appearance of aging for years. As time passes, you may want to repeat the procedure.

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