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It’s difficult enough to gather all the information needed to make the right decision for you regarding cosmetic surgery without having to sort through all the confusing misconceptions and myths that are out there! Everything ranging from rumors that an airline flight will cause breast implants to pop to the misguided idea that the sun will melt a nose implant after rhinoplasty. Sometimes the Internet is not our friend when it comes to getting reliable information. Here’s some great information from to help separate the facts from fiction.

Myth: Plastic surgery is a luxury only the wealthy can afford.

Fact: As with any other lifestyle choice, the average person may have to save and budget for it, but it’s within reach. What most patients have in common is not their wealth, but that they want to feel good about their appearance and understand that treatments are available to address their concerns. Payment options are available for patients such as plans, financing, partial prepayment, etc. This helps make plastic surgery much more mainstream, and not only reserved for the super wealthy.

Myth: Plastic surgery is unsafe.

Fact: Since patients having plastic surgery are having a purely elective procedure, reputable plastic surgeons usually will insist that the patient have a full medical clearance to ensure the patient is medically cleared for surgery. Many patients are worried about anesthesia and possible complications, but anesthesia is very safe, even for patients who have significant medical problems. Patients can protect themselves by seeking a plastic surgeon who is ASPS board certified and checking with the state department of health to see if any complaints have been filed.

Myth: All plastic surgeons will provide the same results.

Fact: In addition to certification and track record, it is important to look for someone who specializes in aesthetic/cosmetic procedures. If a surgeon in interested in this area, he/she is more likely to be very up to date on the latest techniques, products, etc. Also, it is important to look for someone who specializes in the part of the body you are interested in improving, because there is no substitute for experience.

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